Monday, March 22, 2010

Boehner's Ridiculous Rhetoric

I have mixed feelings about the healthcare bill, but Boehner's hyperbolic rhetoric on the House floor last night was simply ridiculous:

"Today we stand here amidst the wreckage of what was once the respect and honor that this House was held in by our fellow citizens."

And just when was the House viewed with "respect" and "honor"? Was it when Joe Wilson yelled "you lie!" during Obama's speech? Or, for a bipartisan example, was it when disgraced federal judge Alcee Hastings was elected to that august body?

"We have failed to reflect the will of our constituents."

Duh - there's a reason why we elect our representatives instead of deciding everything by referendum. It's so that our representatives can do what they think is right, not what will appeal to the emotions of the moment. Besides, polls show wide support for the main provisions, even if people think they oppose the bill as a whole.

"They’re disgusted, because they see one political party closing out the other from what should be a national solution."

Actually, the bill had over 200 Republican amendments. It's not the Democrats' fault if the Republicans are bent on opposition and obstruction at all costs.

"Around this chamber, looking upon us are the lawgivers – from Moses to Gaius, to Blackstone, to Thomas Jefferson.

By our action today, we disgrace their values.

We break the ties of history."

Providing healthcare to more people disgraces the values of Moses? Who knew?

"It is not too late to begin to restore the bonds of trust with our Nation and return comity to this institution."

Yeah, and it's not too late for Republicans - like Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas) - to stop yelling "baby killer" at Stupak.


  1. Bayesian Bouffant, FCD2:28 PM, March 22, 2010

    Around this chamber, looking upon us are the lawgivers – from Moses to Gaius, to Blackstone, to Thomas Jefferson.

    It's nice to know Jefferson still has a safe haven after being banished from Texas history books.

  2. I'm just the bill passed so I can find out what's in it.

  3. Oops, I left out a word:

    I'm just glad the bill passed so I can find out what's in it.
