Invitation to Submit your Paper Dear Authors, We would like to invite you to submit quality ResearchPapers [sic] by e-mail or or both. The International Journal of Computer ScienceInformation and Engineering Technologies (IJCSIET) currently acceptingmanuscript for the following subjects ComputerScience and Engineering, Electrical Communication Engineering, ElectricalElectronics Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering etc.,. As per the guidelines submit aresearch paper related to one of the themes of the Journals, as per theguidelines. For more details visit us @ URL: Last Date ofPaper Submission: 25 May 2013 Regards, Editor-in-chief IJCSIETI wonder what "ResearchPapers" are. Maybe they're about "ScienceInformation". I sure hope they're "acceptingmanuscript". Those guidelines sound pretty important, too.
Recurrent thoughts about mathematics, science, politics, music, religion, and
Recurrent thoughts about mathematics, science, politics, music, religion, and
Recurrent thoughts about mathematics, science, politics, music, religion, and
Recurrent thoughts about ....
Monday, April 29, 2013
The Weird Journal Solicitations Continue to Pour In
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Yet Another Strange Journal Solicitation
Dear Jeffrey O. Shallit , This is Journal of Computer Science, Technology and Application (ISSN 2155-7969) is a new scholarly, peer-reviewed, and interdisciplinary journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in computer science, published worldwide by Academic Star Publishing Company, New York , NY, USA. We have learned your paper'Subword Complexity and k-Synchronization' at 17th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory .We are very interested to publish your latest paper in our journal. If you have the idea of making our journal a vehicle for your research interests, please send the electronic version of your paper to us through email attachment in MS word format. All your original and unpublished papers are welcome. Hope to keep in touch by email and publish some papers or books from you and your friends in USA. As an American academic publishing group, we wish to become your friends if necessary. We also want to invite some people to be our reviewers or become our editorial board members. If you are interested in our journal, you can send your CV to us. Expect to get your reply soon. Best regards, Amy Journal of Computer Science, Technology and Applicatio Academic Star Publishing Company, 228 East 45th Street Ground Floor #CN00000267 New York NY 10017 USA TEL: 347-566-2153, 347-230-6798 Fax: 646-619-4168, 347-426-1986k Call for Paper n Description Journal of Computer Science, Technology and Application (ISSN 2155-7969) is a scholarly, peer-reviewed, and interdisciplinary journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in computer science. It is published in English by Academic Star Publishing Company, USA. It aims to provide an international forum and an authoritative source of information in the field of Computer Science, Technology and Applications and related Information Technology. It also aims at establishing channels of communication between Centers of Excellence for computer applications, computer manufacturers, software developers and users worldwide. It covers a wide range of topics of current concern in computer science. Each issue will contain a variety of articles, essays, and book reviews and so on. The journal welcomes publications of high quality papers on theoretical developments and practical applications in computer science. Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews, and high quality technical notes are invited for publications. We would welcome manuscripts on (but not limited to): • Computer applications in engineering and technology • Computer control system design • CAD/CAM, CAE, CIM and robotics • Computer applications in knowledge-based and expert systems • Computer applications in information technology and communication • Computer-integrated material processing (CIMP) • Computer-aided learning (CAL) • Computer modelling and simulation • Synthetic approach for engineering • Man-machine interface • Software engineering and management • Management techniques and methods • Human computer interaction • Real-time systems •computational mathematics •other topics related to computer Information for Authors 1. The manuscript should be original, and has not been published previously. Do not submit material that is currently being considered by another journal. 2. The manuscript should be in MS Word format, submitted as an email attachment to our email box. 3. Manuscripts may be 5000-12000 words or longer if approved by the editor, including an abstract, texts, tables, footnotes, appendixes, and references. The title should be on page 1 and not exceed 15 words, and should be followed by an abstract of 100-200 words. 3-5 keywords or key phrases are required. 4. The title of the paper should be on the cover sheet as well as the top of the first page of text. Author names and affiliations should be on the cover sheet only. 5. Authors of the articles being accepted are required to sign the Transfer of Copyright Agreement form. 6. Authors will receive 2 hard copies of the journal within their papers. 7. It is not our policy to pay authors. Peer Review Policy Journal of Computer Science, Technology and Application is a refereed journal. All research articles in this journal undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymised refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. Editorial Procedures All papers considered appropriate for this journal are reviewed anonymously by at least two outside reviewers. The review process usually takes 4-6 weeks. Papers are accepted for publication subject to no substantive, stylistic editing. The Editor reserves the right to make any necessary changes in the papers, or request the author to do so, or reject the paper submitted. A copy of the edited paper along with the first proofs will be sent to the author for proofreading. They should be corrected and returned to the Editor within seven days. Once the final version of the paper has been accepted, authors are requested not to make further changes to the text. Submission of Manuscript All manuscripts submitted will be considered for publication. Manuscripts should be sent online or as an email attachment to:, Address: Academic Star Publishing Company, 70 West 86th Street, #CN0267, New York, NY 10024, USA TEL: 347-230-6798 Fax: 347-426-1986, Journal of Computer Science, Technology and ApplicationI'm really glad that they have "learned [my] paper", but the MS word format requirement just is too onerous for me. As for "we wish to become your friends if necessary", that sounds a bit ominous. Maybe it isn't necessary.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Another Weird Journal Solicitation
Dear , [sic] WatchPlus as a major international publisher with its main focus on Journals spanning broad based interdisciplinary subjects presented in English Language [sic], is currently accepting manuscript(s) for publication. WatchPlus has a unique and effective way to capture expertise, tacit knowledge and research findings. Unlike other publishers, WatchPlus focuses on improving papers instead of only publishing them. We welcome a timely submission of Original [sic] articles, Case studies, Expert reviews, surveys, opinions, commentaries and essays in all fields covered by our journals. We accept papers from both academic and industrial contexts, thereby creating a unique community of experts, researchers, practitioners and thought-leading [sic] people. The creative and constructive atmosphere built by WatchPlus is highly productive. We are also working progressively to improve and increase our readership base by indexing our various journals in professional and academic indexes, libraries and large academic repositories and databases/ electronic archives. Benefits All submissions will benefit from a constructive iteration process prior to its publication. In this process, authors receive feedback and suggestions for their work where necessary. Papers will be reviewed in deep detail by experts and peers from the same or related domains and authors will get feedback and comments based on the outcomes of the review process. Authors will receive high quality feedback in a constructive way. The comments and suggestions can be used to improve submitted papers for final publication. Submitted papers will be published along side the next issue proir to the acceptance of the paper by professional Editors. Selected papers will be published in the WatchPlus Digital Archive. Journals We are currently accepting papers under the following headings: Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology. International Journal of Mathematics and Engineering Research. International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Sciences. International Journal of Accounting and Business Management. Journal of Education, Arts and Humanities. International Journal of Biological and Physical Sciences. Manuscript Format Please note that we accept manuscript in .doc, .docx and rtf formats. Figures and table should be submitted alongside the main manuscript or attached as supporting documents. Please see our Instruction for Authors. All manuscript(s) as well as supporting documents should be submitted as e-mail attachment(s) to Editors and Reviewers We are also looking for focused, dedicated and time conscious scholars, to serve as Editors and Reviewers in our various Journals. If you are interested, please submit a detailed Curriculum Vitae to our Editorial Office at, stating your research interest and the journal your [sic] are interested in working with. We are looking forward to publishing your manuscript. Regards, Prof. Abeer Al-Ghananeem Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Medical and Bio-Medical Sciences http://www.watchpub.orgI would be very interested to see how my manuscripts could be improved by this publisher. Perhaps they can insert random capitalizations "in English language". But since I am not "time conscious", I don't think I qualify to serve as a capital-E Editor or even a capital-R Reviewer.
Friday, April 19, 2013
They Offer Nothing But Lies, 2
Over at Uncommon Descent, the bizarre ravings of Gordon E. Mullings (aka "kairosfocus") included this gem:
FSCO/I is routinely intuitively used to identify artifacts of unknown cause, as IIRC, WmAD has pointed out regarding a room in the Smithsonian full of artifacts of unknown purpose but identified to be credibly human.
No, the Smithsonian does not have a "room...full of artifacts" like that. That bogus claim was debunked back in 2002.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Word Puzzle
Answer: if you let a = 1, b = 2, and so forth, then each of these words has the property that the first half of the word sums to the same number as the second half.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
My Talk at Eschaton 2013
They Offer Nothing But Lies
"Slavs, Latin, and Hebrew immigrants are human weeds ... a deadweight of human waste. Blacks, soldiers, and Jews are a menace to the race."
The quote has three suspicious aspects which would make any reasonable person think twice before posting. First, the ellipsis. Have two unrelated quotes been grafted together? Second, the lack of a detailed attribution. Where, precisely, did she say this? What speech or journal? Third, the longstanding record of quote fabrication by political and religious extremists; see, for example, They Never Said It or The Quote Verifier.
When Arrington is informed by a contributor that the quote is apparently bogus, how does he respond? Does he withdraw it, or at least say he will do more research to make sure it is accurate? No, so far he has completely ignored this information. Arrington's efforts were applauded by co-blogger V. J. Torley.
Whether it concerns biology, or climate science, or history, all they have to offer is lies.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Safeway Not Safe for Moose
Everyone knows that Sobey's is the only safe place for moose to shop.
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
Another Liar for Jesus
In his barely literate Washington Times piece, filled with gems like "Modern contemporary teachings", there is scarcely a single sentence that is truthful.
I don't have the time or interest to fisk the whole thing, so here is just a single example:
The following are quotes from proponents of evolution: “Many examples commonly cited, such as the evolution of the horse family or of sabertooth tigers can be readily shown to have been falsified and not to be really othogenic.” (G. G. Simpson, “Evolutionary Determinism and the Fossil Record”, Scientific Monthly, Vol. 71, Oct. 1950, pg 264
(Yes, the delightful lack of a closing parenthesis is in the original.)
Now, I happen to have Simpson's article right in front of me. Here is what he actually said:
"The crucial point here is whether evolution is in fact orthogenetic, whether orthogenesis is its law. There are many definitions of orthogenesis, but the pertinent one in this connection is that orthogenesis designates not only full determination of evolution but also rigid and unique predetermination. Orthogenetic evolution is supposed to proceed undeviatingly in a single direction, regardless of environment, organic activity, or such factors as natural selection. Discussion of this point has been so lengthy and extensive that it has, frankly, become boring. There is at present a clear consensus of paleontologists that orthogenesis, in this sense, is not real. There is no known sequence in the fossil record that requires or substantiates such a process. Many examples commonly cited, such as the evolution of the horse family or of sabertooth "tigers," can be readily shown to have been unintentionally falsified and not to be really orthogenetic. All supposed examples are more simply and fully interpreted as due to some other cause, such as natural selection. The fossil record is now usually cited in support of orthogenesis mainly by those least familiar with that record."
See the differences? Randall has deleted the word "unintentionally", has mangled the word "orthogenetic", and has removed the quotes around "tigers". But more importantly, he doesn't even remotely understand what he is quoting. Simpson is not arguing against evolution at all; he is arguing against teleology and a predetermined direction to evolution.
To see this, we can turn to another quote of Simpson, from his 1964 book This View of Life: The World of an Evolutionist:
"If a sect does officially insist that its structure of belief demands that evolution be false, then no compromise is possible. An honest and competent biology teacher can only conclude that the sect's beliefs are wrong and that its religion is a false one. It is not the teacher's duty to point this out unnecessarily, but it is certainly his duty not to compromise the point."
Simpson had Randall's number 49 years ago.
Stop Homeopathic "Vaccines"
Friday, April 05, 2013
Doug Groothuis Demonstrates His Intellect Again
I'm not sure which is funnier: that he thinks that a scientific theory could possibly be disproved by a "moral argument", or that he thinks that biologists believe that "various races of humans may be more evolved than other races".
Friday's Passport Moose
I hope the government of Canada is listening. We don't want to be left behind.