Sunday, October 18, 2009

I've Never Liked Bill Maher

I've never liked Bill Maher, and I've felt that way ever since I saw a video he did mocking Dan Quayle. Now to me, Dan Quayle exemplifies everything that is wrong about American politics: his frat-boy ignorance, his contempt for learning, his loony religious cult wife, etc., etc. So I was certainly prepared to like the video and laugh at Quayle. Instead, the treatment was so sneering, and so insulting, that I was left with a bad taste in my mouth and I was sorry I had wasted my time.

Sure, Maher is funny sometimes. But a lot of the time he is just ignorant. And now Orac has been showing us in detail that Maher is a raving lunatic when it comes to medical issues. How he was ever given the Richard Dawkins Award is beyond me.


  1. What do you think of his movie "Religulous"? (If you have seen it, that is...)
    I didn't think it was great.

  2. "Instead, the treatment was so sneering, and so insulting, that I was left with a bad taste in my mouth."

    Why, then, do you describe Jonathon Wells with: "Like many incompetent people"?
    Why not just call him an incompetent /scientist/?

    (If you don't want to dignify him with that word (even though he did earn a PhD in molecular biology), then you can find another word.)

  3. I don't understand your point, Alex. Isn't Jonathan Wells a person?

    Perhaps you think he is one of our reptilian overlords.

  4. If you had said really stupid stuff about, say, music, I might call you an incompetent musicologist, not an incompetent /person/.
    Now do you see my point?

  5. Alex:

    Nope, I still have no idea what you are driving at.

  6. I don't think I can be any clearer. May I suggest sharing our exchange with some friends and see if they can explain my point to you?
    Note, I'm no fan of Wells. My comment was not about him.

  7. Alex:

    I would if I suspected that your comment had any value. Since I don't, however..
