Saturday, May 25, 2013

One Million Views

This blog finally hit a milestone: a million page views:


                    -- Site Summary ---                     

            Total ...................... 696,357            
            Average per Day ................ 316            
            Average Visit Length .......... 1:04            
            This Week .................... 2,213            

          Page Views

            Total .................... 1,000,155            
            Average per Day ................ 404            
            Average per Visit .............. 1.3            
            This Week .................... 2,825  

Strange to think that I reach so many more people through this blog than I do with my "real" work: mathematics and computer science.


  1. Nicely done Jeff! Your blog and your takedowns of all things nonsensical are most enjoyable and informative.

    - from your colleague across campus :)

  2. Congratulations!

  3. "Strange to think that I reach so many more people through this blog than I do with my "real" work: mathematics and computer science."

    Not strange. More people understand plain English than mathematics and computer science.

  4. Hate sells. Look at tabloid TV in the land of the "free". PZ's hate site gets a lot more traffic than all-science all the time.

  5. McCarthy knows a lot about hate -- from personal experience, I expect.

  6. Has McCarthy ever written a comment on any blog that was not an expression of hate?

    Hey McCarthy, have you found any quotes from Charles Darwin endorsing eugenics yet?

    You've been saying you had the goods that for, what, about a year. Everything Darwin ever wrote, every grocery list, is online and has been scanned to death. We're still waiting for evidence Darwin supported eugenics more strongly than, say, creationists.
