Saturday, June 01, 2013

More Academic Spam

Lately, I'm being spammed every day by journal announcements from Science and Engineering Publishing Company. Today I got one as follows:
Call for Papers

- Vehicle Engineering

Dear professor,

You are cordially invited to submit or recommend articles to Vehicle Engineering (VE, ISSN Print: 2328-1677), which is an open access journal dedicated to publishing the latest advancements in vehicle engineering research. The goal of this journal is to record the latest findings and promote further research in these areas. More relevant areas of this journal can be found at the VEhomepage.

About Open Access Publishing

Researchers around the world have full access to all the published articles, and download them for free. What is more, an open access article stands more chances to be used and cited than does one behind subscription barriers of traditional publishing model. Therefore your article's impact will be improved once you become an OA author.

Paper Submission Online

All manuscripts to be considered for publication in VE have to be submitted online. To submit a manuscript please visit the above website, select Submission and follow the appropriate prompts. 

Upon submission an editor will be assigned and s/he will make due arrangements to have the manuscript peer reviewed. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Relevant Areas
(not limited to the following fields)

Vehicle structure
Friction clutch
Manual gearboxes and overdrives
Hydrokinetic fluid coupling and torque converters
Automatic transmission
Transmission bearings and constant velocity joints


Contact US

I complained to the person listed as the Editor-in-Chief of this journal, Ahmed Elmarakbi, and he replied as follows:

"Please note that I have nothing to do with this journal. I have requested to get my name off the editorial board but it seems that my name still there. I will contact the people at Science and Engineering Publishing Company on Monday again to make sure that my name is off. Any issues with this journal you need to contact them directly. If they do not take my name out I will take further actions with them."

Sounds like a great journal when the editor-in-chief claims he has nothing to do with it.

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