Saturday, January 18, 2014

When Veritas Doesn't Mean Truth

Did you ever notice that many irrationalist groups choose descriptive names that are just the opposite of their actual goals? For example, the American Family Association is devoted to destroying those families that happen to have gay people at their heads; American Thinker should be entitled "right-wing crackpots rearranging their prejudices", and so forth.

Then there's the Veritas Forum. Veritas, of course, is the Roman goddess of "truth" --- but this group is just an evangelical organization seemingly devoted to the opposite. For example, they're currently pushing a book by Mary Poplin, an anti-intellectual and embarrassingly shallow thinker who spoke at Waterloo three years ago. In her talks she made some questionable claims and played the martyr card. I think any self-respecting organization that seriously cared about the truth wouldn't be shilling for her.

The local Veritas group is sponsoring three events this week. Unfortunately, I probably won't be able to attend most of them due to other commitments. On Wednesday we get Joe Boot, a local Christian apologist who can you see perform here, in a debate against Dan Barker. Although I like Dan, he's not always the strongest debater, but here he absolutely destroys Boot; Boot seems to have little or no understanding of neuroscience, paleontology, or information theory, but is happy to pontificate about those subjects. He even repeats the longest-running falsehood in creationism! The tepid applause after his dismissal of evolution was pretty funny.

If anybody goes to these events, please post a description in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. "Did you ever notice that many irrationalist groups choose descriptive names that are just the opposite of their actual goals?"
    Since I learned that GDR stood for German Democratic Republic and that Hitler claimed he fought for freedom. Of course it's a major theme in Orwell's 1984.
