Tuesday, September 09, 2014

The Robert J. Marks II Information Theory Watch, Day One

The illustrious Robert J. Marks II recent claimed that "we all agree that a picture of Mount Rushmore with the busts of four US Presidents contains more information than a picture of Mount Fuji".

I wanted to see the details of the calculation justifying this claim, so I asked Professor Marks to supply it. He did not reply.

So today I e-mailed him, as follows:

Dear Prof. Marks:



you claimed

"we all agree that a picture of Mount Rushmore with the busts of four US Presidents contains more information than a picture of Mount Fuji".

I asked you there for the details of the calculation that would show this, but you did not reply on that page, so I'm asking again.

Could you please provide me with your calculation to justify this claim?


Jeffrey Shallit
I'll let you know if and when he replies. Not holding my breath, though. ID advocates have a history of wild claims that they refuse to justify.


  1. Can we celebrate a holiday for this, similar to Paul Nelson Day?

  2. I offer some alternative shots of Mt. Rushmore, as well as a Creationist Persecution Fantasy feature.
