Monday, October 27, 2014

Creationists Desperately Crave Respect - But They Don't Get It

When creationists have an event, they frequently try to have it at a university. The reason why is clear: they crave the academic respectability that a university would give them. If they can say they've had a conference at Cornell -- well, then, there must be something to it, or such a university wouldn't allow them to hold it, right?

If not a university, they can try to have their event at some famous scientific institution, like the Smithsonian. It's a win-win for creationists: if they succeed, they get respectability the famous name gives them; if they don't they can cry "censorship" and make a movie about how poorly they are treated. It feeds the martyrdom scenario that many fundamentalists seem to enjoy.

The latest bogus creationist event is the "Origin Summit", which they managed to hornswoggle Michigan State University into holding. According to Science magazine, subterfuge was used from the very start: "Creation Summit secured a room at the university’s business school through a student religious group, but the student group did not learn about the details of the program—or the sometimes provocative talk titles -- until later, says MSU zoologist Fred Dyer."

Dishonesty and illegitimately seeking academic validation: two of the major characteristics of creationism.

(By the way, if you want to be really appalled, read about Jerry Bergman, one of their illustrious speakers.)

P. S. If you look at this page, you'll see evangelical whack job Lee Strobel described as a "certified agnostic". I wonder where you get certified. Maybe they meant "certifiable" instead?


  1. Featuring:
    * A biologist talking about history.
    * An astronomer talking about biomimicry.
    * A science educator who's going to bring down the big bang.
    * A "debate" in which one side hasn't agreed to take part.

    On the other hand, I'd love a free iPad.

  2. For a response to the "certified agnostic" Lee Strobel, see Earl Doherty, Challenging the Verdict: A Cross-Examination of Lee Strobel's "The Case for Christ" (Age of Reason Publications, Ottawa, 2001, ISBN 0-9689259-0-1).
