Saturday, January 03, 2015

Unintentional Humor on Creationist Blog

Sure, we had to wait a whole year for it, but it may have been the funniest thing posted at Uncommon Descent in 2014: Denyse O'Leary (aka the World's Worst Reporter™) professing her worries about "what has happened to the concept of journalism".

Yes, Sneery should be worried. While other journalists actually interview people, and try to avoid bias, and check into the qualifications of the people they quote, O'Leary seemingly gets most of her material without much effort. She reprints, uncritically, material sent to her by her creationist friends, or she sneers -- despite a lack of advanced training in science -- about actual science published in mainstream journals and newspapers. Typical behavior for Sneery: labeling wedding photographer Laszlo Bencze as a "philosopher".

My parents were journalists. I have friends who are journalists. Denyse, you're no journalist.


  1. Where does she call Laszlo Bencze a philosopher?

  2. Right there in the post I cited. 2nd mention of him.

  3. I thought the statement "We hear Bill Dembski is still alive." while not hilarious was certainly telling.

    I know I'm probably being too tough, but I expect more from the Isaac Newton of Information Theory than occasional reminders of his continued existence.

  4. I used to read Uncommon Descent regularly, particularly when William Dembski posted there. But now that "News" has largely taken over the site, I realized what a waste of time it is to read, although there can be some humor value if you can stomach the overblown hyperbole

    What does it say about ID that the leading blog on ID has such low journalistic values? Is that why Dembski's name no longer appears anywhere on the masthead? But thank you Jeffrey fro reading UD on my behalf so I don't have to!

  5. Is there a reliable source on Bencze's background and education? Not that you're not reliable, but... if I am to accuse him of exaggerating his credentials, I'd like to double check my facts.

  6. I looked to see if he had any philosophy papers published but did not find a single one.

  7. Another peculiar thing about UD's reporting of Laszlo Bencze's ideas . . . UD always links to his website, but the website doesn't appear to contain any of his opinions on philosophy, religion etc. He certainly does appear to be a talented photographer, though.
