Well, as I anticipated, my shortest google query that returns no results no longer qualifies. So I'll have to try another. This time, though, I'll cleverly disguise it so that google won't find it.
The first three letters of my query are "zk0".
And the last two letters are "q" followed by 1+6.
Can anyone find a query of 4 letters and numbers that returns no results?
Can anyone find a query of 4 letters and numbers that returns no results?
ReplyDeleteGosh, I tried C3PO and R2D2 and they both failed to come up blank.
"zk0q7" is returning a result. (even before this post).
ReplyDeleteYou're right, Kyle, but I guarantee it wasn't as of a couple of days ago.
ReplyDeleteIt's the question you can ask again and again and again and again and....
Here's another 5-letter one:
followed by the square of 9.
I tried close to 100 four-letter queries. None of them came up blank. Darn!