Then again, anyone who could be fooled by the ridiculous message below probably deserves what they get.
From: Elsevier Journals
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Dear Colleague,
On behalf of all the Editors-in-chief of Elsevier Journals, we wish to
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of human Endeavour.
All articles published will be peer-reviewed. The following types of papers
are considered for publication:
- Original articles in basic and applied research.
- Critical reviews, surveys, opinions, commentaries and essays.
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting recent developments in
their fields. Papers submitted will be sorted out and published in any of
our numerous journals that best Fits. This is a special publication
procedure which published works will be discussed at seminars (organized by
Elsevier) at strategic Cities all over the world. Please maximize this
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The submitted papers must be written in English and describe original
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Our goal is to inform authors about their paper(s) within one week of
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Kind Regards,
Emily Robinson(Prof.)
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I love the claim that "Papers submitted will be sorted out and published in any of
our numerous journals that best Fits."