Friday, November 27, 2009

Discovery Institute Fellow Accused of Making Stuff Up

And in a really huge surprise, a fellow of the Discovery Dishonesty Institute, Benjamin Wiker, is accused by a young-earth creationist of making stuff up.

Why, I am simply speechless!

To be fair, Wiker has a Ph. D. in "theological ethics". You know, as distinguished from real ethics, where fibbing is considered to be in bad taste.


  1. "And in a really huge surprise, a fellow of the Discovery Dishonesty Institute, Benjamin Wiker, is accused by a young-earth creationist of making stuff up."

    If Wiker is a YEC, then indeed it would be a big surprise. But if he's an OEC, then it's not a surprise to me, since they're often in contention with each other. Just like one who believes in "theological evolution" is often at bellicose odds with one who believes in "poof creation." (I just made up that term, but I'm sure you know what I mean.)

    In case you're interested, it is hard for me to tell if you're surprised that Wiker made stuff up, or you're surprised that he's being *accused* of making stuff up.

  2. Miranda:

    I'd suggest looking up the word "sarcasm".

  3. It looks like you believe everything you read, provided a Dishonesty Institute spokesman says it.

  4. It looks like you will believe anything just as long as it goes against people you don't like.

  5. I like the way you attack people and organizations as opposed to addressing the actual evidence.

    A sure sign of a weak mind...
