Friday, September 24, 2010

Our Common Ancestor with the Moose

How long ago do you think your common ancestor with the moose lived?

Take a guess, and then check your answer here.


  1. I'm surprised, I was about 50% too small. I thought that the common ancestor would have lived after this

  2. Agree with Michael. My first query was between my and my kittehs -- almost 100Ma!
    Funny to realize that the major mammalian -- even eutherian -- divisions were already in place while we were all just little things scurrying around the feet of the dinosaurs.

  3. Identical reasoning with my brother.
    I had guessed 45mya.

    and what Eamon Knight said.

  4. I guess I should feel good that my guess was 70 Mya, figuring it was before the K-T. The 100 Mya number still surprises me.

  5. I thought the disclaimer at the top of the page was worthwhile:

    "CAUTION: These results are sensitive to both the classification (taxonomic names) and the "guide tree" used. For both, TimeTree uses NCBIs Taxonomy Browser, which will yield a reliable result in most cases. However, NCBI may not use the classification you believe to be correct, or that was used by a study being queried, in which case the time estimates presented here may be unusable. Other options will be available in the future. "
