Sunday, March 11, 2012

Shocked! Shocked!

This week's Shocked! Shocked! episodes are particularly funny.

David Limbaugh, who (if possible) seems even more talentless and vile than his brother Rush, is shocked! shocked! that people would dare to criticize his brother. Doing so constitutes "the most radical display of hate and intolerance" that he's witnessed in years! Bonus wingnut points for David -- he manages to mention Saul Alinsky. (Hat tip -- Ed Brayton.)

Lisa Kennedy Montgomery, aka "Kennedy", a Christian who hosts a morning radio show in Los Angeles, recently said something stupid about atheism and was shocked! shocked! to find that people would dare criticize her about it. That's what the good folks at Reason magazine think deserves a column. (And over at Uncommon Descent, they call the 39-year-old Ms. Montgomery a "girl".)

Ms. Montgomery's column is yet another example of something I've noticed before: the tendency of Christians --- who presumably think religion is a good thing --- to use religious terminology in a negative way to describe atheism and evolution. The criticism she received was a "Biblical floodgate"; the criticism exhibited "the same fervor the religious use"; atheists exhibit "intense—even religious—zeal". (Along the way, she hilariously misspells "Maimonides" -- pseud alert!)


  1. "And over at Uncommon Descent, they call the 39-year-old Ms. Montgomery a "girl".

    Weren't they just playing off the Touchstone Supertramp's comment: “Damn girl you got a big forehead.”

  2. "the tendency of Christians --- who presumably think religion is a good thing --- to use religious terminology in a negative way to describe atheism and evolution."

    Are you suggesting there's a contradiction there? You'd have to equate "religion" with "religious terminology" in order to come to that conclusion.

  3. "Along the way, she hilariously misspells "Maimonides""

    If she had written, "My momma needs", then that would be hilarious. But she merely wrote "Maimonedes" which is how Pi, a Source Book spelled it.

  4. Good one, Miranda!

    "I can't spell too good, but look, some1 else made the same misteak I did! So I iz right anyways!"

  5. No, not "right", but not "hilarious," either.

  6. Because, as we all know, Miranda's opinion on what is funny is necessarily binding on everyone else in the world.

  7. Nah, but misspelling Maimonides with an 'e' instead of an 'i' is about as objectively non-hilarious as you can get in the written word.
    I suppose you can try your hand at my first two comments, now.

  8. No, thanks, Miranda. They're even more boring than the one I addressed.

    Believe me, if you ever say anything worth responding to, I will.

  9. I have to ask: why on Earth isn't Miranda banned? She is almost as bad a troll as can be found anywhere. All her posts are insufferable. She doesn't have one single thing worth saying. Please ban her.

  10. I agree - Miranda is a bore and has virtually nothing of interest to say. Nevertheless, I don't like to ban anyone; I think I've banned a total of 1 or 2 people in 6 years or more. I prefer to hint that, like an unpleasant guest a dinner party, we'd all be happier if she'd just leave. But so far she hasn't taken the hint.

  11. "Miranda is a bore and has virtually nothing of interest to say. "

    That's the easiest thing to say after you've been refuted. Much easier than refuting back.

  12. Oh, dear, I've been refuted! The shame!

  13. Well, it's your blog, of course. It's good that you're not prone to banning, but she doesn't really offer anything other than a kind of irritating pseudo-pedantry about language. Hopefully she will go away soon. I have actually grown to somewhat appreciate the poster who goes by 'Miranda Farted', despite his posts also being annoying - he gives her comments the responses they deserve.

  14. Well, there's a first time for everything. (Not about being refuted, but about admitting as such. You're on the road to recovery.)

  15. Perhaps my analogy about the guest at the party is wrong. Miranda is more like the small child who tugs at the trousers of adults having a conversation, trying to get their attention, while completely missing the point of the conversation going on around her. I'm not sure what to do except ask her to go play with her toys.

  16. If what you're saying is true, this just makes you seem all the more pitiful when I get the better of you.

    (The last "anonymous" was mine -- there was a problem with blogger at the time.)

  17. "(The last "anonymous" was mine -- there was a problem with blogger at the time.)"

    Too bad your farts aren't anonymous. You always wildly raise your hands when you cut the cheese and squeal, "It was me!"
