Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Two Online Courses

You have a choice. You can either shell out some unspecified amount of bucks to take a online course on "Darwinism & Intelligent Design" run by ID hack Tom Woodward.

Or you can take a free online course about genetics and evolution run by an actual biologist.

I doubt that Woodward could even pass a final exam in an evolutionary biology course. Of course, that doesn't prevent him from prattling on ignorantly about it.


  1. Have you seen the film "expelled", preaching about ID, claiming that IDiots are being discriminated in academia? I watched part of it on YouTube and got a bad stomach...

  2. Woodward was in charge of a more or less unmoderated apologetics discussion board ten or twelve years back. After many months of the atheists (and sensible theists) schooling the more wild-eyed fundamentalists, the board was shut down , all the content disappeared, and a true-believers-only policy was instituted.

  3. I had no idea that the movie used that word, IDiots, to describe themselves.

  4. Now you know why Miranda is so sought after as a party guest.

  5. Miranda, if you saw the movie, you probably saw William Dembski and Robert Marks III.
