Monday, October 15, 2012

Baptist Minister Prays for Me

Remember Cal Lord? He's the Rhode Island Baptist minister who wrote a creationist column for the Norwich (CT) Bulletin, criticizing Bill Nye for his support of evolution.

Lord used a quote, said to be by George Wald in Scientific American in 1957, to support his creationist views. Only problem? Wald never said what Lord claimed; it is a well-known fabrication.

I wrote to Lord to point this out. But, despite the fact that he has a weekly column in the Bulletin, he never admitted his misrepresentation in print. Nor did he admit that he gave the bogus quote without citing his source.

Now, out of the blue, Lord writes me again to say that he is praying for me and boasting how about he has grown in his faith since his lies and plagiarism appeared in print.

Lord hasn't grown at all: he's refused to publicly admit his misconduct. He's the typical liar for Jesus: willing to defame a good scientist like Wald by publishing a bogus quotation, but unwilling to retract it publicly.


  1. It's true, Wald never said what Lord claimed. Careless quotemining. However, I think that if Lord could "get into Wald's head" and say what Wald was really thinking, Lord portrayed Wald accurately. Wald sounds like a blind-faith (non)believer when he writes, "Given so much time, the 'impossible' becomes possible, the possible probable, and the probable virtually certain." It seems eminently reasonable that the false quote, "I will not accept that philosophically because I do not want to believe in God" accurately represents the true quote of Wald.

  2. However, I think that if Lord could "get into Wald's head" and say what Wald was really thinking, Lord portrayed Wald accurately.

    Thanks, Oort Cloud, for demonstrating so succinctly the total intellectual and ethical bankruptcy of creationists.

    Even Lord himself has admitted to me that he did not represent Wald fairly.

  3. Please be more specific with what Lord admitted.

  4. Oort Cloud:

    Exactly what I said. He admitted he had misrepresented Wald's arguments.

    He had more intellectual honesty than you. Of course, that's not saying much.

  5. Meanwhile, as you dislike Lord's imputing of negative ideas into Wald's mind, you have no problem imputing negative ideas into Lord's mind. You say he "boasted" about how he grew in his faith. You have no clue what he was really thinking.

  6. You have no clue what he was really thinking.

    Look, dishonest Oort Cloud, we make deductions all the time about people's motives from their words. It is not infallible, nor is it impossible. I have a good understanding of what he is thinking from his messages -- something you are not privy to.

    My objection was not about "imputing of negative ideas", it was the use of a totally bogus and debunked quote and Lord's failure to admit it in print.
