Friday, February 15, 2013

Callan Bentley is My New Hero

The Discovery Institute requests the right to us a photo by geology prof Callan Bentley. Bentley replies, and hilarity ensues.

Hey, they don't call it the "Dishonesty Institute" for nothing.


  1. I like how the first reply from the DI flack wishes that Bentley would give up his "materialism". But ID ain't about religion, no really it's not, never was, totally not at all, you got nothin' on me officer, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

  2. Meyer has an ASSISTANT????

    My entire college - 6 departments - has 2 shared administrative assistants and 2 technicians, and this theologian/propagandist has his OWN assistant, AND they like to claim that academics are just rolling in taxpayer money???

    Un-frakking- believable...

  3. Sam, Is Andrew an assistant to Meyer only, or to the whole department?

  4. Not to defend the Dishonesty Institute, but as a proponent of fully open science, I dislike seeing copyright used in this way. Pragmatically speaking, this plays right into the intelligent design theorists' persecution complex. Science, in all its forms, should be fully public domain, even if that DOES mean it'll occasionally be put in books written by cranks.

  5. Anonymous: I think you are confused. This was not a request for use of some scientific result or work (which in many cases would and should be in the public domain already), but a *photograph*. And the photo credit would by implication lend Dr. Bentley's support to the project. (Trying to borrow other people's prestige is a time-honored Creationist tactic).

  6. According to the letter, he is "Assistant to Dr. Stephen Meyer".

    You tell me what that means. It is possible that he is just an office go-fer - after all, the people he works for and their ilk have a history of embellishing their credentials/relevance.

  7. Dr. Shallit, I think you should retitle this post:
    "Callan Bentley, the Snippy and Haughty Geologist, is My New Hero"
    Of course, his personal character traits don't take one whit away from his wit.

    I refer you to: (Yes, I'm aware of the big mistake in the third to last paragraph.)

  8. Dear "Grove Gilbert":

    I would much rather spend time with genuine scholars like Dr. Bentley than the paid liars of the Dishonesty Institute. Klinghoffer is one of the worst offenders.

    And you really think that was a "mistake" in Klinghoffer's 3rd to last paragraph? No, it was a lie.

  9. " And you really think that was a "mistake" in Klinghoffer's 3rd to last paragraph? No, it was a lie."

    What was? I didn't catch it.

  10. The lie is the claim that there have not been detailed responses to Meyer's silly Signature in the Cell.
