Tuesday, July 30, 2013

More Bizarre Journal Spam

I like this one!
  • It is addressed, not to me, but to another professor in the department.
  • I am somehow an "Excellency".
  • It is a "strictly intellectual journal". Glad to see there aren't any distracting centerfolds like those other journals.
  • It has "an internationally recognized Editorial Board Members", who are "well-built"!
Dear Professor

It is with pleasure to invite your Excellency to take part in an academic opportunity through submitting your research paper for possible publication in a strictly intellectual journal named "International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering Technology" (IJASET),(ISSN: 2225-9686). Our journal here is a peer reviewed scholarly kind of bulletin which in its natural existence devoted for publishing high-quality papers with an internationally recognized Editorial Board Members. The well-built editorial board welcomes all kind of papers regardless of their academic tendency in a way that transcends all the scientific and theoretical concepts into a new era of enlightenment and insight; the journal is issued on bi-monthly bases and supports all kind of topics and streams including:

- Research and Reviews Articles, Scientific Commentaries in the Fields of Applied and Theoretical Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Zoology, Medical Studies, Environmental Sciences, Geology, Engineering, Short Communications, Computer Science, Technological Sciences, Medicine, Industrial, Mathematics, Statistics in addition to all other Applied and Theoretical Sciences

For author Instructions http://www.ijaset.com Indexed/ Abstracted in

Index Copernicus

Awaiting your papers.

Yours sincerely,
International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering Technology
Website: http://www.ijaset.com
Article submitted through E-mail: editor@ijaset.com ; info@ijaset.com; or online submission visit www.ijaset.com

Friday, July 26, 2013

Moose Picture of the Day

From my friend A. G. comes this nice picture of two moose in British Columbia.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

CFI Canada has a new web page

CFI Canada has a new web page. Are you a member yet?

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Canada Shouldn't Honor Pope John Paul II

Here's Canada's national treasure, Udo Schuklenk, weighing in on why there should not be a special day devoted to honoring Pope John Paul II in Canada.

Schuklenk, by the way, is an respected ethicist whose clear thinking contrasts sharply with the muddled views of people like Margaret Somerville.

Friday, July 05, 2013

Barry Arrington to the Rescue! And Sal Cordova, Breathless Liar

How cute! Lawyer and certified public accountant Barry Arrington thinks that there is something called "design theory", and furthermore, I am just too stupid to understand it.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Barry, but there's no such thing as "design theory". Yes, there's the pseudoscience of intelligent design, but there's no coherent body of knowledge (much less science) about intelligent design that remotely approaches a "theory". That's why intelligent design advocates like yourself are unable to respond to even the most basic challenges concerning your pretend "theory" and why even your own vanity "journal" can hardly find anything to publish, even though it almost exclusively publishes the droolings of its creationist editorial board.

As for understanding, Barry, let me just note that I have published an article (with Elsberry) in a philosophy journal on intelligent design in which we spell out, in detail, what's wrong with it, and why the math is bogus. You could try reading it. I know it's a bit of intellectual effort, but heck, knock yourself out.

While you're at it, you may want to admonish your friend Sal Cordova (who for some strange reason is sometimes referred to as "Slimy Sal") for lying on the same blog entry. Dembski did not "dedicate" his first book to me. Yes, it's true that he tried to gain some intellectual respectability by dropping a whole bunch of names and thanking them, but that's not the same as a dedication; it's an acknowledgment.