- It is addressed, not to me, but to another professor in the department.
- I am somehow an "Excellency".
- It is a "strictly intellectual journal". Glad to see there aren't any distracting centerfolds like those other journals.
- It has "an internationally recognized Editorial Board Members", who are "well-built"!
It is with pleasure to invite your Excellency to take part in an academic opportunity through submitting your research paper for possible publication in a strictly intellectual journal named "International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering Technology" (IJASET),(ISSN: 2225-9686). Our journal here is a peer reviewed scholarly kind of bulletin which in its natural existence devoted for publishing high-quality papers with an internationally recognized Editorial Board Members. The well-built editorial board welcomes all kind of papers regardless of their academic tendency in a way that transcends all the scientific and theoretical concepts into a new era of enlightenment and insight; the journal is issued on bi-monthly bases and supports all kind of topics and streams including:
- Research and Reviews Articles, Scientific Commentaries in the Fields of Applied and Theoretical Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Zoology, Medical Studies, Environmental Sciences, Geology, Engineering, Short Communications, Computer Science, Technological Sciences, Medicine, Industrial, Mathematics, Statistics in addition to all other Applied and Theoretical Sciences
For author Instructions http://www.ijaset.com Indexed/ Abstracted in
Index Copernicus
Awaiting your papers.
Yours sincerely,
International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering Technology
Website: http://www.ijaset.com
Article submitted through E-mail: editor@ijaset.com ; info@ijaset.com;
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