What country's current capital city has a name that can be cyclically shifted some number of letters to get the name of its former capital?
Recurrent thoughts about mathematics, science, politics, music, religion, and
Recurrent thoughts about mathematics, science, politics, music, religion, and
Recurrent thoughts about mathematics, science, politics, music, religion, and
Recurrent thoughts about ....
Tokyo - Kyoto
Japan: the name "Tokyo" was deliberately chosen as a permutation of "Kyoto".
I don't want to be a pendant (and yet here I am typing out a pendantic rebuttal) but that only works if you mis-transliterate Tokyo and Kyoto.
Tokyo has two long 'o's meaning it should be transliterated as 'Toukyou'
Kyouto only has the one, thus 'Kyouto'
Yup, only a permutation in English.
Tokyo means "Eastern Capital" in Japanese, as it is to the east of Kyoto ("Capital metropolis").
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